Thursday, January 15, 2009

Crazy Week...

Well, this week in Baking & Pastry has been a little boring. ...What else is new? We made danishes from scratch - actually, everything we do at school is "from scratch", I just want ya'll to understand that there are no cans of 'Cream of This' soup, or canned veggies, or frozen dough that we just thaw and roll out, etc. WE. MAKE. EVERYTHING. I've posted a picture of Chef Lim demonstrating the technique for our danish dough. If you look closely, you can see that there is a layer of dough on the bottom, and another layer on top of that... That second layer is over a POUND of butter! Cool, huh? :) Yummy, too! They turned out really great. I was proud.

Today, we made a fresh fruit tart. Really pretty, like something you see in the bakery case for like $25. But, I don't eat that, so I just gave it to the family I live with. Hope they enjoy it!

All my friends and I went to a "Skills Enhancement" class today after our normal class. I've posted a couple of pics of us playing with fire! :) We worked on sauces, by the way...

Tomorrow night, a few of us are competing against each other in our own version of "Iron Chef." Bring it. We. Will. Rock. It. And, I'll take pics!


Bethanie said...

Sounds like you are having a blast! Keep up the good work!

LinneaPJ said...

Just want ya'll to know that that gorgeous fruit tart is in my refridgerator. YUM! Thanks, Skye!

arr-jay said...

I love the pic of the fruit tart -- that is GORGEOUS. Reminds me of La Mads, which I can never go to without thinking of you, btw - esp. when I pass the potato gallettes. :-)

And, I think that pic of you should def be your next Fbk profile pic!